Protect New Zealand’s Native Wildlife and Natural Habitats from Invasive Species and Diseases

New Zealand is a country with a unique and diverse range of flora and fauna. Our native wildlife and natural habitats are under threat from a number of invasive species and diseases.

There are a number of ways that we can protect our native wildlife and natural habitats from these threats. We can control the movement of people and goods into and out of the country, and we can promote the use of biosecurity best practices.

We can also raise awareness of the threats that invasive species and diseases pose to our native wildlife and natural habitats. By doing this, we can encourage people to take action to protect our environment.

control the movement of people and goods:

One of the best ways to protect New Zealand’s native wildlife and natural habitats from invasive species and diseases is to control the movement of people and goods into and out of the country.

The New Zealand Customs Service is responsible for biosecurity at the border. They work to prevent the entry of unwanted pests and diseases into New Zealand.

Goods entering New Zealand must be declared to Customs. If you are unsure about whether something you are bringing into the country is allowed, you can check the Biosecurity New Zealand website or contact them for advice.

You can also help to protect our environment by being aware of the biosecurity risks when you travel overseas. When you return to New Zealand, make sure you declare any food, plant material, or animals that you have with you.

Promote the use of biosecurity best practices:

Another way to protect New Zealand’s native wildlife and natural habitats from invasive species and diseases is to promote the use of biosecurity best practices.

There are a number of things you can do to help reduce the risk of introducing pests and diseases into New Zealand. For example, you can:

• Clean your shoes and gear before you enter New Zealand to remove dirt, seeds, and other material that could contain pests and diseases.

• Check your boat, caravan, and vehicle for pests and diseases before you travel.

• If you are bringing food into New Zealand, make sure it is packaged and labelled correctly.

• Don’t bring plants or animals into New Zealand unless you have the proper permits.

• If you are travelling with pets, make sure they are healthy and have all the required vaccinations.

Raise awareness of the threats that invasive species and diseases pose:

One of the best ways to protect New Zealand’s native wildlife and natural habitats from invasive species and diseases is to raise awareness of the threats that they pose.

There are a number of ways you can do this:

• Talk to your friends and family about the importance of biosecurity.

• Share information and articles about biosecurity on social media.

• Write to your local MP or government officials to express your concerns about biosecurity.

• Get involved with a local community group that is working to protect New Zealand’s environment.

By raising awareness of the threats that invasive species and diseases pose to our native wildlife and natural habitats, we can encourage people to take action to protect our environment.

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